Poker is a card game where players bet into the pot (an amount that all players voluntarily contribute) in order to try and make the best hand they can. While some aspects of the game involve a great deal of chance, most of the money placed into the pot is based on decisions made by players based on probability, psychology and game theory.
One of the most important things poker teaches you is how to assess risk and think critically about your actions. It also helps you learn how to handle emotions and not let them get in the way of your decision making. This is an extremely valuable skill that you can use in other areas of your life.
It is also a great exercise in discipline. Poker requires a lot of concentration and focusing your attention on the cards, your opponents and their body language (if playing in person). It also helps you improve your ability to concentrate over long periods of time.
There are many forms of poker and the number of players in a game can vary greatly, but the basic rules are the same across most games. Each player must place an ante, or bet something into the pot before they are dealt cards. Once everyone has their cards, the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. The pot is made up of all the bets made during a hand and can be won by raising, calling or folding.